Employee benefits & employee diversity

Awareness on Health

Apart from medical benefits, the Bank also organises health talks for employees on various topics. In FY 2018-19, health talks were conducted across the Bank’s offices on the below mentioned topics:

Diabetes- Its
Prevention and
Work Life
Laughter Therapy
for Healthy Heart
Basic Emergency
Life Support Awareness Session
Aerobics for
Life-Style diseases with ‘ALLTERNATE’ Medicine-Homoeopathy

Apart from talks, global mailers on various health topics are routinely shared with all the employees. Health tips and Newsletters were published on topics such as: Nipa Virus, World Anti-Tobacco Day, World Blood Donor Day, International Yoga Day, Malaria Prevention, Stress Down Day, Probiotics, World Heart Day, World Stroke Day, World Diabetes Day, World Anti-Obesity Day, International Women’s Day, World Glaucoma Day etc.

Regular health check-up camps were also organised for employees at various locations. In FY 2018-19, more than 11,000 health check-ups were availed in partnership with various reputed hospitals across the country. The Bank also has an in-house medical facility at one of its large offices which has a consulting doctor and a full-time nurse.

These initiatives align the efforts of the Bank with SDG 3 (Good Health & Well-Being).

The Bank also provides an on-site crèche for young children at two of its large office locations. Besides, the Bank has also partnered with day-care facilities across several locations in the country to offer fees at concessional rates for employees. In special cases, the Bank also has provisions for Part time work Arrangements, to help employees continue employment in case of health issues faced by them, their spouse, children, parents.

Summary of the wellness programs with number of employees benefitted from these programs

Maternity Care
on Cell
Diet and
Health Check
of Health
Onsite Specialist
Doctor Consultation
and Test
Medical Ecard
SMS Services

Employee Diversity

Nurturing inclusivity and gender equality are an intrinsic part of the Bank’s culture. The Bank’s equal opportunity hiring process and efforts to develop a conducive work environment, aligns with SDG 5 (Gender Equality).

A diverse pool of talent has always been maintained by the Bank. As of 31st March 2019, the Bank had 98,061 employees. This included 17,860 women employees comprising 18.21% of the total workforce. The Bank is a fair employer and does not discriminate amongst its employees and hence does not record information on persons with disabilities. The Bank has an employee association that is recognized by the management. About 0.27% permanent employees of the Bank are members of this association.

The Bank has a Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) Policy in place. The total number of cases of POSH registered in FY 2018-19 were 25, of which 4 cases were pending as on March 31, 2019. There is an internal complaints committee at the Bank, to address cases related to sexual harassment at the Bank. The Bank makes sure that women working late hours, are not alone and are accompanied by a colleague if not a team.

For providing easy access to people with disabilities, the Bank has built about 490 ramps across its branches and offices. Further in large back offices, there are specially designed toilets for the differently abled.

  • Parental Leave FY 18-19
  • Total number of employees by Job Level
  • Employee Turnover by Age
  • New Joinees by Region for FY 2018-19
  • New Joinees in FY 2018-19
  • Employee Turnover by Region for FY 2018-19
  • Employee Diversity By Region
  • Total Employees at the end of FY 2018-19

Parental Leave FY 18-19

871 Employees that 1711
17860 Employees entitled to parental leave 80201
767 Employees who returned to work after parental leave ended 1575
40 Employees who returned to work after parental leave ended who were still employed 12 months after their return to work 117
88% Return to work rates of employees who returned to work after parental leave 92%
Female Male

Total number of employees by Job Level

Employee Turnover by Age

New Joinees by Region for FY 2018-19

New Joinees in FY 2018-19

Employee Turnover by Region for FY 2018-19

Employee Diversity By Region

Total Employees at the end of FY 2018-19

The rate of hiring at the Bank is 2.8 and the rate of turnover is 3.9. The notice period for all the employees is three months.

For any queries or questions
regarding the report or its contents,

Nusrat Pathan
Head, Sustainability & Corporate Social Responsibility
HDFC Bank Limited