The Bank has been working towards upskilling people and enabling them to earn a living. Skill Training and Livelihood Enhancement programme provides training and imparts income generating skills, primarily in agriculture and allied areas such as dairy and poultry. This is focused on people in rural areas, especially young women and youth. This programme aims to skill individuals, helping them to find local jobs thereby curbing migration.

The program entails


Sustainable Livelihood Initiative (SLI)

SLI is the Bank’s flagship initiative that empowers women by enabling them to participate in employment/ entrepreneurship and thus facilitate the larger goal of gender equality. The Bank believes that, empowering a single woman can empower an entire family. The Bank guides women from the communities to form Self Help Groups (SHGs) or Joint Liability Groups (JLGs). These groups are then trained on occupational skills, financial literacy, credit counselling and livelihood finance in addition to providing market linkages.

Some unique features of the programme are:

Run by Over 10,000 dedicated, passionate employees of the Bank.
Present in 27 states and over 400 districts.
One of the world’s largest such programmes with 96.7 lakh women or 3.87 crore households (ie 96.7 X 4) being impacted potentially

SLI Model - Summary

Under SLI, the Bank provides both Financial & Non-Financial services. Financial Products/ Services including Basic Savings Bank Deposit Account (BSBDA) which is a “Zero Balance Account”, Recurring and Fixed Deposits and Insurances are provided to SHG/JLG groups and their members. Non-Financial services include Credit Counselling, and encouraging women to take up entrepreneurship activities.

Identification of potential villages for a baseline survey and identify potential groups for sourcing.

Provide credit support and market linkages.

Enhance livelihood skills in various micro-entrepreneurial activities to ensure a steady income source.

3 days of orientation training on effective credit utilization, savings. The sourced clients are also assessed on their eligibility parameter by other control units. This is followed by Financial Literacy cum credit counselling sessions.

Career Counselling & Skill Training Centre,

Due to lack of job-ready skills and career guidance, ambitious and hardworking young individuals like Anjali, Damini, and Saifur could not fulfill their dreams of securing a job and becoming financially independent.

However, when they, along with about 2000 similar individuals enrolled at the Bank’s Career Counselling and Skills Training centre, their lives changed. Through an intensive programme, these young people between the ages of 18 and 35 acquired the necessary skills to become job-ready.

After successfully completing the three-month Skills Training programme in sectors ranging from telecom, healthcare, retail, tourism & hospitality and BFSI, they have now realized their dream. The youth from Bhubaneswar have been offered employment at leading organizations across the city in their area of specialization.

These are some of the statistics of students who have completed their training so far:

Sector Trained till date Placed till date
Telecom 450 252
Healthcare 330 187
Organised Retail 330 205
Tourism and
390 247
BSFI 420 89
In addition to the skills training, the Bank also provided career counselling to over 8,000 students from schools in and around Bhubaneswar to help them pursue appropriate career opportunities. Besides career counselling, the training sessions comprised of on-campus theory and training, industry visits, meets with industry professionals and on-field internships. Participants were provided with personalized career assessment, career toll-free hotline, career guidance and booklets, SMS alerts, and access to job fairs.

Skills Training provides employment opportunities to 3,000 youth of Nagpur

In FY 18-19, the Bank launched a Career Counselling and Skills Training center for youth in Nagpur, to train them on skills necessary to be job ready. Young ladies from over 180 villages in and around Nagpur joined the first batch of students at the training center. After successfully completing the nine-month Skills Training programme, participants received certificates from the National Skills Development Corporation (NSDC), making them eligible for employment. Participants who sought job opportunities have been offered employment in Retail, Telecom, and Tourism & Hospitality sectors. Skill training was provided to 3000 students.

In addition to the skills training, the Bank has also provided career counselling to over 13,000 students across 65 schools in and around Nagpur to help them pursue appropriate career opportunities. The youth were not only counselled on career opportunities but also given personalized career assessment, career toll-free hotline, career guidance booklet, scholarship booklet and access to job fairs.

This program helps the Bank contribute to SDG 1 – No Poverty and SDG 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth.

For any queries or questions
regarding the report or its contents,

Nusrat Pathan
Head, Sustainability & Corporate Social Responsibility
HDFC Bank Limited